about This project
Say NO to single use plastics
Our goal is to produce and distribute 10,000 reusable shopping bags to traders in the business districts of the Greater Accra Region. Our target is to reach 5,000 people directly who would carry our message further to create larger ripples of change.

Your cash donation would go a long way to help us reach our vision of a plastic free society by the year 2050. This is because you would be funding the production of a reusable bag which would be given out for free during our planned outreaches within Ghana
Support our Free reusable bags distribution Programme
Often times the solutions to difficult problems are simple. And we present one of such simple solutions to the problem of plastic pollution with our three-tiered strategy of production of alternatives, providing education and advocacy.
A cash donation will go to support our free reusable bags distribution and outreach programs in selected schools where we teach students upcycling across the country.
Your Mobile
Money Donations
Are Welcomed
Your cash donation would go a long way to help us reach our vision of a plastic free society by the year 2050. Kindly send your donations to our MTN MoMo Account