A Lovely Earth Day

Earth Day: 22nd April

Credits: This poem was written by Emmanuel Osi

Read this with understanding and remember that we are a make of the earth.

It’s hard seeing the best out of the world when the best out of ourselves hasn’t erupted yet.

I’m a young adult in a third world country and for some reason, I still strongly hold faith in optimism

Well, guided optimism.

My country looks like an earth where a pile of plastic rains every day

The soil embraces rain yet plastics block her drain

For 400 years, plastic stays in the ground boasting of how strong it is and slowly, the earth loses faith in the survival

Not so much optimism when the earth’s soil, sea, atmosphere constantly reacts in insane inferior ways

Yet I do believe;

Plastics has a potential of being fixed better than it is

We’ve got better creative minds than generations afore

It’s the 21st century with high money charts, an increase in technological prowess, and one of the fast vaccine developments ever.

Maybe, we could all contribute a little bit of our everyday consciousness to reduce plastic use, use reusable options and drop trash at the right places.

Even, father a seedling in the soil

And the food chain I believe, would thank us for not allowing plastics to stay in their correctly built formula.

My name is Earth and I hope I’d see the 4th and 5th generations rise on a good premise.


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